选项,也被称为 元数据(Meta), 是一种通过你的权限系统来配置插件的方法,这使你能够为不同的玩家、权限组、世界等设置不同的设置。
⚠️ 我们推荐学习 LP Meta 的运作方式,这将有助于更好地使用。阅览 LuckPerms - Prefixes, Suffixes & Meta
简言之,选项将极大提升客制化体验,它不局限于 是(true) 和 否(false),可以是数字,也可以是字符,常被用于设置领地过期时间,税率,玩家持有领地上限等功能。
选项的默认值都存储在 options.conf
请查看 选项配置
对领地设置 - /claimoption <选项> <值> [情境]
对玩家设置 - /cop <玩家> <选项> <值> [情境]
对组设置 - /cog <权限组> <选项> <值> [情境]
查看 情境 知晓更多。
- 当玩家进入领地发送消息
/claimoption player-command-enter "/tellraw %player% [\"\",{\"text\":\"Welcome %player%!\",\"color\":\"gold\"},{\"text\":\"\\nYou are visiting %owner%s claim.\\nEnjoy your stay!\\n\\n-\"}]" run_for=member run_as=console
- 设置权限组 vip 的
(领地创建限制) 至 100,其中领地类型为基础领地。/cog vip create-limit 100 default=basic
- 设置玩家 JoeSmith's 的
为 30 天。/cop JoeSmith expiration 30 default=basic
- 在该领地内禁用饱食度。
/claimoption player-deny-hunger true
Note: If you get a message stating the option is not enabled, enable it under option-control
in options.conf
. Note: Using /claimoption
with no arguments opens up the GUI and displays all claim options for claim you are standing in including default options that affect all claims.
/lp user/group <user|group> meta set <选项> <值> [情境]
Ex1. Set create basic claim limit of 50 for a group called vip
/lp group vip meta set griefdefender.create-limit 50 gd_claim_default=basic server=global
Ex1. Set create basic claim limit of 50 for a group called vip
on server mc01/lp group vip meta set griefdefender.create-limit 50 gd_claim_default=basic server=mc01
Reset all users accrued claimblocks/lp bulkupdate users delete "permission ~~ meta.griefdefender\\.accrued-blocks.%"
Reset all users bonus claimblocks/lp bulkupdate users delete "permission ~~ meta.griefdefender\\.bonus-blocks.%"
Useful LP DB queries
Note: Change table prefix if not using default luckperms
List all user accrued blocks
SELECT B.username, REGEXP_REPLACE(A.permission, '[^0-9]+', '') FROM luckperms_user_permissions A LEFT JOIN luckperms_players B ON A.uuid=B.uuid WHERE permission LIKE '%accrued-blocks%'
List all user bonus blocks
SELECT B.username, REGEXP_REPLACE(A.permission, '[^0-9]+', '') FROM luckperms_user_permissions A LEFT JOIN luckperms_players B ON A.uuid=B.uuid WHERE permission LIKE '%bonus-blocks%'
Reset ALL user accrued blocks
⚠️ This will wipe ALL user accrued block data. Use with caution.
DELETE FROM luckperms_user_permissions WHERE permission LIKE '%griefdefender\\\\.accrued-blocks%';
Reset ALL user bonus blocks
⚠️ This will wipe ALL user bonus block data. Use with caution.
DELETE FROM luckperms_user_permissions WHERE permission LIKE '%griefdefender\\\\.bonus-blocks%';
See Prefixes, Suffixes & Meta and Meta Commands for more information on how to use it directly in LuckPerms
Global Options
Global Options can be set globally, or on a server, world, group or player.
They cannot be set on individual claims or claim types.
Global option usage in GD commands and GUI can be managed with permission griefdefender.admin.claim.option.global.<optionname>
Note: Leave out griefdefender.
from <optionname>
To use GD options in LP commands, use the meta key format griefdefender.<optionname>
Option | Default Value | Description |
griefdefender.abandon-return-ratio | 1.0 | The portion of claim blocks returned to a player when a claim is abandoned. Note: When using Economy Mode, this is the ratio of funds returned when abandoning a claim. |
griefdefender.accrued-blocks | 0 | The total number of claim blocks accrued by a player. Note: This does not account for bonus blocks, and has no use/effect being set on a group. |
griefdefender.blocks-accrued-per-hour | 120 | Blocks earned per hour. By default, each 'active' player should receive 6 blocks every 5 min. Note: The player must have moved at least 3 blocks since last delivery. If using 'wilderness-cuboids', this value is 30720 by default with 1536 blocks every 5 min to players. Minimum setting is 12 due to 5 minute check interval, setting it lower will result in no blocks accruing. |
griefdefender.bonus-blocks | 0 | The total number of bonus claim blocks given to a player, and has no use/effect being set on a group. |
griefdefender.chest-expiration | 7 | Number of days of inactivity before an automatic chest claim will be deleted. |
griefdefender.economy-block-cost | 0.0 | The economy amount to charge per block of a claim. Note: If set to 0 or less, the buy block feature will be disabled. |
griefdefender.economy-block-sell-return | 0.0 | The return value for selling claim blocks. Note: If set to 0 or less, the sell block feature will be disabled. |
griefdefender.expiration | 14 | Number of days of inactivity before a claim will be deleted. Note: If set to 0, it will disable claim expiration for user/group. |
griefdefender.initial-blocks | 120 | The number of bonus starter claim blocks a player has initially. Note: This number is not counted as part of accrued blocks. Note: If using 'wilderness-cuboids', this value is 25600 by default. |
griefdefender.max-accrued-blocks | 80000 | The limit on accrued blocks (over time). doesn't limit purchased or admin-gifted blocks. Note: If using 'wilderness-cuboids', this value is 20480000 by default. Note: This setting will affect /scb command. |
griefdefender.max-bonus-blocks | -1 | The maximum amount of bonus blocks a player can obtain. Note: Set to -1 or less to make unlimited. Note: This setting will affect commands /acb and /buyclaimblocks , use with caution. |
griefdefender.radius-inspect | 100 | The radius in blocks used to search for nearby claims while inspecting. |
Claim Options
Claim Options can be set on individual claims, claim types, server, world, group or player.
Global option usage in GD commands and GUI can be managed with permission griefdefender.admin.claim.option.<optionname>
Note: Leave out griefdefender.
from <optionname>
To use GD options in LP commands, use the meta key format griefdefender.<optionname>
Option | Default Value | Description |
griefdefender.abandon-delay | 0 | The number of days to delay before allowing a player to abandon a newly created claim. |
griefdefender.create-mode | area | The default claiming mode set for players on login. (area = 2D, volume = 3D) |
griefdefender.create-limit | -1 | Maximum number of claims per player. (-1 = unlimited) |
griefdefender.min-level griefdefender.max-level | 0/255 | The minimum/maximum level that a claim can be created in. |
griefdefender.min-size-x griefdefender.max-size-x | 10/5000 | The min/max size in blocks that the x-axis can be. |
griefdefender.min-size-y griefdefender.max-size-y | 5/256 | The min/max size in blocks that the y-axis can be. |
griefdefender.min-size-z griefdefender.max-size-z | 10/5000 | The min/max size in blocks that the z-axis can be. |
griefdefender.player-command-enter | undefined | Used for executing a command on claim enter with specific contexts. Accepts the following placeholders : %player%, %owner%, %uuid%, %world%, %server%, %location% |
griefdefender.player-command-exit | undefined | Used for executing a command on claim exit with specific contexts. Accepts the following placeholders : %player%, %owner%, %uuid%, %world%, %server%, %location% |
griefdefender.player-deny-flight | false | Used to determine if a player is unable to fly in a claim. Note: This does not give players the ability to fly, it merely removes the ability if set. This provides the greatest compatibility with plugins. |
griefdefender.player-weather | undefined | Used to a set player's weather in a claim. Supported types are clear and rain. |
griefdefender.pvp | undefined | Used to determine if players can combat each other. |
griefdefender.pvp-combat-command | false | Used to determine if a player can use commands during PvP combat. |
griefdefender.pvp-combat-teleport | false | Used to determine if a player can teleport during PvP combat. |
griefdefender.pvp-combat-timeout | 15 | Used to determine how many seconds PvP combat is considered to continue after the most recent damage. |
griefdefender.rent-restore | false | Used to determine if a rent owner has permission to have their claim automatically restored on rent end date. Note: This requires the claim rental to have an end date. |
griefdefender.tax-expiration | 7 | Number of days after not paying taxes before a claim will be frozen. |
griefdefender.tax-expiration-days-keep | 7 | Number of days to keep a claim after frozen and before being deleted |
griefdefender.tax-rate | 0.1 | Tax is calculated by the number of claimblocks in the claim. Number of claimblocks * tax-rate |
Admin Options
Admin Options can be set on individual claims, claim types, server, world, group or player.
Global option usage in GD commands and GUI can be managed with permission griefdefender.admin.claim.option.admin.<optionname>
Note: Leave out griefdefender.
from <optionname>
To use GD options in LP commands, use the meta key format griefdefender.<optionname>
Option | Default Value | Description |
griefdefender.player-deny-godmode | false | Used to determine if a player can be in godmode within a claim. Note: This does not give players the ability to be in godmode, it merely removes the ability if set. This provides the greatest compatibility with plugins. |
griefdefender.player-deny-hunger | false | Used to if a player's hunger is denied in a claim. |
griefdefender.player-gamemode | undefined | Used to determine the gamemode of a player in a claim. Accepts the following values : ADVENTURE, CREATIVE, SURVIVAL, SPECTATOR, UNDEFINED. |
griefdefender.player-health-regen | 0.0 | Used to set the health regen amount for a player in a claim. Note: If the player is at max health, this will have no effect. |
griefdefender.player-item-drop-lock | false | Used to determine if a player's dropped items should be locked from pickup by others on death. |
griefdefender.player-keep-inventory | undefined | Used to determine if a player can keep inventory after death in a claim. |
griefdefender.player-keep-level | undefined | Used to determine if a player can keep their level after death in a claim. |
griefdefender.player-teleport-cost | undefined | Used to determine the cost to teleport a player to a new location. |
griefdefender.player-teleport-delay | 0.0 | Used to determine the delay, in seconds, before teleporting a player to a new location. |
griefdefender.player-walk-speed | -1.0 | Used to set a player's walk speed in a claim. Note: (-1 = undefined) |
griefdefender.spawn-limit | 0 | The limit of entity spawns a claim can have. |