Useful links
Where are the files stored
Types/Claim Groups
Possible Options
Remote Databases - require connection to a storage server
- MariaDB (preferred over MySQL)
- PostgreSQL
- SQLite
Readable and editable text files
The default option isstorage-method=hocon
Configuring the database
Database Address
The database address and port. Use format host:port
MySQL and MariaDB default port to 3306 address=localhost
Always read and write to the database
⚠️ This option may have performance impacts depending on the hosted machine.
Enable this setting to force GD to always read and write from database.
Enable this setting if you need to share database data across multiple servers.
This will disable GD's built-in claim data cache so performance will depend on database.always-read-write-db=false
Database Name
Hikari for MySQL
hikari | Default Value |
alwaysSendSetIsolation | false |
cacheCallableStmts | true |
cachePrepStmts | true |
cacheResultSetMetadata | true |
cacheServerConfiguration | true |
elideSetAutoCommits | true |
maintainTimeStats | false |
prepStmtCacheSize | 250 |
prepStmtCacheSqlLimit | 2048 |
rewriteBatchedStatements | true |
useLocalSessionState | true |
useServerPrepStmts | true |
Load Claims Asynchronous
Whether database claims should be loaded asynchronous during server startup. (Default: true)
Set setting to 'false' if having issues with players joining before claims have fully loaded.load-claims-async=true
Database Password
Enter your database password.password="YourPassword"
Pool settings for the database
pool-settings | Default value | Description |
connection-timeout | 5000 | The maximum number of milliseconds to wait for a connection before timeout. |
keepalive-time | 0 | |
max-lifetime | 30 | The maximum lifetime of a connection in milliseconds. |
max-pool-size | 10 | The maximum pool size. (Default: 10) |
min-idle | 10 | The minimum number of idle connections. (Default: 10) |
The prefix for all GriefDefender SQL tables. (Default: 'gd_')table-prefix="gd_"
Database Name
The database username. (Default: root)username=root